This week has been productive for me. I’m currently in the transition phase of changing jobs and so at one point I am not so busy with my current job, but on another I need to set some ground work for my next job. I’ve been joining some networking events of finance professionals on island and fortunately met a lot of people in the industry. I’m pretty sure I’m going to see more often since I love attending conferences and fire side talks!
The first event that I went to is hosted by the CFA society. They invited a speaker from the United States to come over and share outlook of the markets in 2023. It was a good event, although very technical at some point. I did not understand the graphs at all! But then again I am not a CFA charter holder, what do I expect? lol. Nevertheless, it was very eventful. I personally met Paul, a mentor/colleague recommended by Lainey! He is both a CFA and CAIA charter holder so he would be a great resource of information for me as I embark on my journey to further studies!

Which brings me to my next news… I postponed my CFA studies. Emphasis on postponed. I am not giving up on it! It’s just that at this time, my new employer required me to take the Canadian Securities and the Derivatives/Options Fundamental course first so I can be licensed to trade. As of yesterday I have officially enrolled and will get started on studying! I am giving myself 6 months to complete CSC, and another 6 months for the Derivatives/Options. This will be a good foundation for me when I retake my CFA. Exciting right?!
What I have been doing to get motivated is watch youtube videos of those who already passed the exam and are working in the industry. My favorite are Josh Olfert and Afzal Hussein. They explain the topics concisely, perfect for new starters like me. 😊 …and on another side of youtube, I’m watching Cristina Villegas making $$$$ from stripping. I need to see my options! loljk. I love her videos, she’s very nice and humble.
Anyway, what’s been keeping me sane lately is trying to get atleast a little bit healthier. I wake up at 6:30am, do some yoga, have breakfast, get ready for work, work, come home, have a light dinner while watching Netflix. This has been my routine for the past couple of weeks. I am currently watching Crash Course in Romance and boooooooy I LOVE IT! All we need in life is a little rom-com. It makes my heart happy watching the love story of an academy teacher and a ‘single mom’ frustrated athlete. Ah, I wish it will never end. Netflix didn’t make the episodes available all at the same time, so I always have to look forward to it every week. Nevertheless, it’s worth the wait! Some of my top-tier K-dramas are: Crash Landing on You, Hometown Cha Cha Cha, True Beauty, Extraordinary Atty. Woo, and Little Women. All are *chef’s kiss* beautifully made! Love them 💓

On another note, The Beauty Wanderer has been revamped and there have been changes in the org chart. I am no longer involved in the operations, but I remain to be a consultant and sole proprietor. I hope this new era will not only give more opportunities to the three lovely ladies who do all the work, but also make our customers happy.