I quit my job last Wednesday. It felt so surreal. I remember when I arrived in Cayman five years ago. I went through a lot of struggle. I dreamt about working in one of the most reputable banks on island. It took me a while to get there. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity that has been given to me, and now it’s time to pursue something even better.
Once upon a time this was just a dream, and now it is my reality.

The team surprised me with farewell cake and sweet messages on my last day. I’m not sure I will miss the work, but I most definitely will miss working with amazing colleagues like SS, KK, TH, NR; the dream team of the West wing!

- Halloween 2022 – Read the blog post >> | Watch it here >>
- Halloween 2021 – Who Wacked Jack? Watch it here >>
I had sleepless nights and horrible eczema few days before my last day. I was so anxious about leaving my comfort zone and going somewhere where I need to start all over again and prove myself. I know it has to be done, because I don’t want to live a life full of regrets. I know this will all payoff in the future. I know my new mentors will walk with me towards my dream career.. and for that, I am excited. (and nervous at the same time!)
I had five days free before starting my new job, and so thankfully I had a bit of time to do my all my errands. I also started studying for the Canadian Securities Course which I am looking to take some time in early June this year. I hope everything goes well tomorrow on my first day. I know that it is going to be! ✨Manifesting✨