Hi friends! It’s been a while. So many things has happened since I last checked in. First and foremost, congratulations to me – I passed CSC Vol. 1 Exam! I started studying for Vol. 2 immediately after though. I know, boo! It feels like its never going to end bubu!! but I’m giving myself until next year before my wedding to complete my certifications.
To be quite honest, there has been a lot of instances where I question myself…is this really the career I want? It is too late to switch? Don’t get me wrong, the moolah is good… but it is very exhausting. Sometimes I straight up feel like I’m wasting my life with this. I don’t feel any sense of fulfilment. It’s not like I’m making a world a better place. lol. I’m making the top 1% remain the 1%. I’m not sure if I said this already but I’ll say it again: I feel like I’ve spent my whole life in school (and still am actually) just to service the elite. Today is one of those days I question myself – what do I really want to do with my life? I don’t even have a hobby. How do I make my life more meaningful?
In another news, last weekend, I went with my fiancé’ to the beach for the family fun day. It was the perfect opportunity to unwind and slow down from all the work and studying I’ve been doing the past couple of years.