
Catching up

Hi everyone, I’m writing to you now as a means of catching up for last month. I know a lot has been happening around the world especially in my home country, which makes me appreciate how privileged and blessed I am to be living here where the pandemic has been handled pretty well. I hope you guys are holding on.

Anyway, last month has been (and I can’t stress this enough) HECTIC, in multiple facets of my life. Work per se has been voluminous,  CFA reviews and networking, home renovations, and finally launching our own business! All of that happened simultaneously in March. You can say yes I have been productive, but I have also abandoned a lot of other things like this blog, and going out for fun. I even had to reschedule some of my therapy sessions (which I’m not so proud of!)
My split role as a Treasury and Operations Associate
Daily task is stagnant for Treasury, but is fluctuating on the Operations side. I have to make sure that everyone in the office gets to ‘function’ properly, and this includes making sure we have enough kitchen and office supplies, as well as make sure all the utility bills are paid. My boss has been on an extended leave since January so I kind of carried on some of the tasks on my own, and get to make decisions for everyone’s good.
My CFA Journey
As I’ve mentioned before, I finally made the decision to join the CFA program, and boy I tell you, it is not a smoothly paved road! Revisions per se are already very challenging; the curriculum covers a lot of topic. It’s like re-doing my 4-year degree in 6 months. My therapist has advised me to chill some times with the revisions to lessen my stress levels, and keeps reminding me that nobody is pressuring me to do this but myself. So as a ‘break’ from studying, I try to spend some time networking with the CFA Society in Cayman Islands, and attend some of their events. In the latest talk I attended, I get to meet and catch up with Mr. Richard who I look up to! He used to work at my workplace before and he told me his inspiring story on becoming a CFA. It is so nice to meet people who have been in the same path your are walking on.

Home Renovations
Our bathroom has always been a pain in the ass since I can’t remember when. The tub is leaking and we always have to do temporary fixes. One day, I just got so tired of it that I decided to call a contractor to have the entire tub demolished and converted into a standing shower. The first contractor I met (referred by a friend) was quick to come and do and estimate, so I just hurriedly hired him lol. In this island, let me tell you, it’s hard to find someone to do business with in such a short notice. Everything takes time. Anyway, the price was reasonable, until I sourced all raw materials (tiles, trims, glass panel, shower hardwares, drain, etc). It was a lot of kaching and a lot of time spent for this to happen! They are finishing up as we speak so I’m really looking forward to see my money’s worth!

The Beauty Wanderer

Hey you guys, remember when I was telling you about how my friends and I were planning on opening up a business? Yay it’s finally here! A lot of preparation and logistics are behind our shop so I hope you can support us! A simple follow and like means a lot! 

We specialise in providing K-beauty solutions to everyone in the Cayman Islands. We noticed the growing Asian population here, but the lack of Asian beauty products in supermarkets. So ta-da! You can easily shop with us because all our items are already on-hand. Our prices are also very reasonable.

Visit us on instagram at @thebeautywanderer

I was mainly doing the photography, pricing, and a little bit of advertising so let me show you some of the outtakes before the opening day!

So glad to be back on writing. How I’ve missed you guys. How have you been? Catchup in the comments section below!

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  1. March was also hectic for me work wise, so allow me to say… job well done for both of us!! πŸ™‚ I hope we get to celebrate and feel our achievements. For me, it is in the form of relaxing during the long weekend for Easter. Today is the last day, but I can say it was time well-spent, even just at home.

    It's great that you have all these opportunities at work; sometimes when we're stretched with our responsibilities, that's when we grow the most. But I agree with your therapist, also good to have down times and chill moments; I often forget that these help us to keep going too.

    Congratulations on launching your business with your friends! πŸ™‚ I think it's a great cause, helping to make K-beauty products more reachable within your area. K-beauty is fun and skincare is a must, so I love this idea. I've followed along on IG too <3 Wishing you all the best for April!

    Anna Jo |

  2. Congratulations on your new business venture and goodluck on your CFA journey. πŸ™‚

  3. Congratulations on your new business! Sounds like a busy month for you.

  4. Thank you Anna! I appreciate you so much! Wishing you the best of April too! πŸ™‚

  5. Thank you Liz! Hopefully I make it!

  6. Thank you lovely! It is indeed a busy but productive month!

  7. Hi Ann!

    It's great to hear that you've opened up your business, congratulations! It's always good to have an outlet or hobby outside our usual day jobs and so, I fully support you on this venture. Have fun doing it and I hope for nothing but growth for you guys.

    I hope your preparations for the CFA would also go well, and don't forget to take your much deserved rest once in a while πŸ₯°

    I hope you're doing well, stay safe and healthy!

    Hanna / Heydays With Hanna

  8. Thanks ate Hanna! Just sat on my CFA level 1 exam! I'm so glad I got it over with and now back to blogging! Weeeeee!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Congrats on your online business, Ate Ann! I would love to make an order one day! ^^ we also did slight home renovations and hope to start turning it into apartment as we just moved recently. πŸ™‚

    Kai |

  10. Thank you Kai and goodluck with your home renovations! It can be costly and exhausting but worth it πŸ™‚

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