
What else is there to do?

The global health crisis has brought almost all nations into community quarantine, and here in Cayman, we are not an exemption. The government has recently mandated a lot of businesses to temporarily close due to the recent developments with the pandemic. As we speak, we have 9 active cases here on island, and the best measures the authority came up with are:

  • Twenty-four (24) hour curfew (we literally panicked buy yesterday because no one is allowed to go out!),
  • Island-wide lock down (airport is closed for passenger planes, only cargo is allowed), and
  • To temporarily shut down non-essential business, causing a lot of employees to be laid off.
And you guessed it right, I was laid off for two weeks with nothing much to do at home. All I did the past few days are read blogs, watch Netflix, cut my hair out of boredom, some yoga, and studied a bit for my driving test. This is also the reason why I did a bit of makeover in my blog and also decided to put up two new pages, the Freebies and Contact sections! I’ve been sort of “blogging” on and off for a few years now and I wanted to share some of the resources I’ve outgrown. I hope it will be useful to new bloggers out there. I also wanted to expand my circle so I signed up for Bloglovin and Bloglist.

My week in summary

I know there is a lot of suffering in the world right now, and the anxiety has been making us stressed, but here I am trying to put a little bit of positivity out there. The idleness has made me reflect on my life and made me grateful for a lot of things especially my health. I am grateful for waking up this morning, for being given another chance to live; and I pray for the world to heal, for the whole human race to overcome this challenge, and for us to reflect and not let greed, money, capitalism, and other supercial things control our lives anymore.

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