Hey everyone! I know it’s been a long time…. 오랜만이에요. I tweaked my blog a little bit here and there, did you notice any changes? lol. I’m writing to you now here at the comfort of my home with a nice and warm cup of coffee. Ah, it’s a good life. Many of us fail to appreciate this, the beauty of the mundane. Anyway, I have a lot of catching up to do since my last update!
The last 2 months of 2021.
November, actually, is my favorite month. I love Halloween. I like dressing up in costumes and watching others dress up as well. This year, I suggested for a Halloween party in my workplace and it was granted about a week and a half before the end of October! There was a competition for best team office design and best costume, so say no more, I gave every ounce of creativity and effort to win! I realized that most of my coworkers will go for either a cutesy pumpkin carving halloween or a creepy skeletonish spidery one, but I took the opportunity do a concept with a story.
Murder Mystery: Who whacked Jack?