
My Holidays 2021

Hey everyone! I know it’s been a long time…. 오랜만이에요. I tweaked my blog a little bit here and there, did you notice any changes? lol. I’m writing to you now here at the comfort of my home with a nice and warm cup of coffee. Ah, it’s a good life. Many of us fail to appreciate this, the beauty of the mundane. Anyway, I have a lot of catching up to do since my last update!

The last 2 months of 2021.

November, actually, is my favorite month. I love Halloween. I like dressing up in costumes and watching others dress up as well. This year, I suggested for a Halloween party in my workplace and it was granted about a week and a half before the end of October! There was a competition for best team office design and best costume, so say no more, I gave every ounce of creativity and effort to win! I realized that most of my coworkers will go for either a cutesy pumpkin carving halloween or a creepy skeletonish spidery one, but I took the opportunity do a concept with a story.


Murder Mystery: Who whacked Jack?

Mission success! We won best team office design 🙂

December, and so the festive season begins! In Cayman there really isn’t so much to do other than see a couple of light shows or go to parties, which are unfortunately also restricted to a number of people due to covid. So for Christmas, my boyfriend and I decided to stay at the Marriot for December 24th-26th. Ah, expensive but I think we deserve some good time and rest after working hard for the year. We mostly just settled in by the pool, restaurant, and balcony.

And ofcourse, just right after christmas day, I hungout with friends for some Filipino food, games, fun and festivies! Filipino christmas party games are always the best. Hope you guys enjoyed your holidays as much as I did!

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