Hey, how are you? Life update: I finally got to drive my car on the main road for the very first time yesterday. As I mentioned in my previous post, I recently got my driver’s license. It was nerve wracking but such a learning experience. The tip professionals would always tell me, assume that everybody else on the road doesn’t know what they’re doing. That way you’ll be more alert and cautious. Kind of helpful thinking that I am the smartest driver on the road lol.

Weekends are always chill and slow for me nowadays, thankfully, unlike before where I work on Saturdays and then do all my chores on Sundays. Can you believe? no more rest day left for me. For two years I didn’t get to have a proper weekend.
Last Saturday I just spent the whole day blog-hopping. Omg, you don’t even know how much I love reading lifestyle blogs. It’s like reading an autobiography, getting to know the character, and seeing real life stories in different settings and perspectives. Do you feel the same? I follow almost everyone I come across so if you want to be friends just leave a comment 😄

Yesterday, Sunday, I took a stroll around George Town just to get used to driving. Perfect time to also shoot some nice photos (as always). The weather was so nice. I’m starting to appreciate the sun now more than ever since it’s already the hurricane season. I stopped by Admiral’s Landing to rest and take good old nature shots.
I hope you guys had a great weekend!