I guess I’m being too focused on my blog series and scheduled posts that I rarely talk about simple personal stuff here in my blog. Today is not my day outside so I’m just chilling at home. I watched a bunch of Brooklyn 99 episodes and cleaned up a little bit, and I randomly thought, why not create a “What’s in my bag?” post? Hmm, maybe you’ll find it interesting? I see a lot of people do this in their youtube channels and it’s fascinating to see what other people carry everyday to their workplace, errands, date nights, or wherever!

This bag was gifted to me a couple of months ago. It is simple and easy to carry around. It is lightweight and made of faux leather. It just has one front flap and that’s it — very straightforward. I love the colour, different shades of pastel pink, with gold plates. It’s just a one piece of material sewn altogether. I use this for work and errands.

I just carry around essential stuff nowadays. Before I used to carry A LOT of stuff with me and my bags are always as heavy as a brick. No bag lasts me long. My shoulders suffer the most when walking and commuting. Eventually I realised, how often do I actually take these stuff out of my bag? Channeling my inner Marie Kondo, I started just bringing those that I actually use on a daily basis, and the rest stays at home.

1. My wallet / coin purse. I used to carry around a big chunk of wallet but then it takes up so much space and for what? So my bills won’t fold? Cash are supposed to be spent. Wallet is what I use the most apart from my phone, and it’s a bit of a hassle to make sure all bills are properly secured all the time. This cute little thing works for me. I don’t need to worry about coins slipping or putting them in a separate compartment. Everything is there in on go, even my house key!

2. My makeup kit. This one I rarely take out of my bag. This is where I keep my medicines (anti-vertigo and antacid) for emergency. I have a bad case of acid-reflux so I need to always have tums around. Vertigo is also an issue for me especially when I get nervous and my heart beats fast, I lose my sense of balance and worst case scenario, vomit. Also need a toothbrush and toothpaste all the time, especially after lunch. We need to always have a good oral hygiene 😉 A perfume would also be handy, as well as a hair tie and a comb, you’ll never know! I barely use my face powder especially nowadays that I’m just wearing a mask all the time; can’t be bothered with the smudging. A lip and cheek tint will always be there — that’s the one makeup I cannot live without. I could use some colour as I am so so pale all the time. Oil control blot is also handy, an eyebrow razor, and my contact lenses in certain circumstances where I can’t use my eyeglasses.

3. Wet wipes. I can’t leave the house without this. It has so many uses especially when you are in a situation where you need quick sanitation (after lunch, or if you want to pee, or if your phone or bag suddenly catches a stain!).
4. My phone (Samsung A20)
5. Rubbing alcohol / disinfectant. Even before the COVID-19 became viral all over the world, I spray this to literally anything I touch. I dunno, I’m just very cautious with my hands because it gets sweaty all the time (in other words, I’m always pasmado!)
6. Mints for fresh breath 😉
7. My passport & important documents
8. Pain killer. Yes, I am just 25 but I have a body of a middle aged woman. My back hurts a lot especially when stressed, and because I sit all day at work. I use Omega to relieve some, but this is not my usual. It changes every month (lol odiba may variety!). Sometimes I use Icy Hot or Salonpas. One thing is for sure, this watermelon purse is never empty!

9. My eyeglasses. Because I can’t see without them! Last time I checked, my grade is negative 525-550. I’m legally blind.
10. Mask. Here on island you cannot go in almost all establishments without a face mask. It is everyone’s responsibility to take care of themselves and by doing a simple task like wearing a mask already a is big help in flattening the curve. We are not only protecting ourselves but others as well. This handmade facemask was also gifted to me, but I changed the ear straps because the original one didn’t fit my face.
11. Umbrella. You can never take this away from any Filipino’s bag. Whether it is a protection against the rain or the sun, it is very useful.
This is what the bag looks like when worn:

I hope you got to know me a little bit better through this bag raid. What is one thing you always carry in your bag? Share some of your essentials and let’s have a quick chat!^^